作者zxc906383 (無無)
標題[情報] 大聯盟這個休賽季合格報價金額為$21.05M
時間Sun Oct 13 23:54:51 2024
Qualifying Offer Value Set At $21.05MM
By Steve Adams | October 10, 2024 at 11:58am CDT
The qualifying offer in the 2024-25 offseason will be officially set at $21.05MM
, reports ESPN’s Kiley McDaniel. Joel Sherman of the New York Post reported in
August that the QO value was expected to land in the vicinity of $21.2MM but wou
ld not be finalized until October. This year’s QO value represents an increase
of $725K over last year’s mark of $20.325MM. The QO value, which is determined
by calculating the average salary of the sport’s 125 highest-paid players, has
risen nearly every season since being implemented under the 2012-16 collective b
argaining agreement. Here’s a look at the history of the QO value:
2012-13: $13.3MM
2013-14: $14.4MM
2014-15: $15.3MM
2015-16: $15.8MM
2016-17: $17.2MM
2017-18: $17.4MM
2018-19: $17.9MM
2019-20: $17.8MM
2020-21: $18.9MM
2021-22: $18.4MM
2022-23: $19.65MM
2023-24: $20.325MM
2024-25: $21.05MM
根據ESPN的Kiley McDaniel.發文
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1728834893.A.2A5.html
推 abc0922001: 好多喔10/14 00:19
推 railman: 來台灣生活應該過得很爽?10/14 00:22
推 WaywayPao: 現在球員的決定期限還是在拿到QO的一週後嗎?10/14 00:24
Five days after the end of the World Series, teams must decide whether to issue
a QO to any of their impending free agents.
Those players will have a week to th
en survey the market to determine what sort of interest is present in free agenc
y before deciding whether to accept a one-year deal at the QO value
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/14/2024 00:26:14
推 WaywayPao: 感謝,deadline只有一週真的蠻爛的... 10/14 00:34
推 ultratimes: 你在拿到QO前就可以針對有無拿到QO做出兩套劇本了啊 10/14 00:52
推 Kroner: UC2是天然成分嗎?還是有添加物啊? 10/14 00:52 → ultratimes: 又不是拿到QO後才做決定 10/14 00:52
推 WaywayPao: QO只有一週哪有什麼劇本... 10/14 03:14
推 tbrs: 十年通漲變兩倍 多一倍 10/14 05:27
→ polanco: 球員要不要進市場不會到那個禮拜才決定吧 10/14 07:00
推 Chricey: 長時間坐著工作,關節痛越來越嚴重,該怎麼辦?推薦UC2 10/14 07:00