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Renato Fragale Sr. Director, Consumer & Gaming Client Business at AMD AMD 消費者與遊戲客戶業務資深總監 ‧ Managed 15-person product development team for Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4) that has sold over 91Mu to date. Viewed as one of the most successful launches in AMD history helping AMD to avoid bankruptcy. ‧ 管理了一支15人的產品開發團隊,負責Sony PlayStation 4(PS4)的開發,至今已銷 售超過9100萬台。這次產品發佈被視為AMD歷史上最成功的發佈之一,幫助AMD避免了破產 。 https://www.linkedin.com/in/rfragale/details/experience/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1720106575.A.451.html
gox1117: 99amd 07/04 23:23
fman: 不只SEGA救了NV,SONY也救了AMD,這些國際大廠要報恩啊 07/04 23:24
labbat: 幫arm安謀QQ,高通救不了他 07/04 23:27
v21638245: 日本救了全世界 07/04 23:27
SaberMyWifi: SEGA救NV,SONY救AMD,反觀任天堂 07/04 23:51
Chricey: 5樓關節跟X一樣 07/04 23:51
oldk13: 老任被nv救了 07/04 23:59