4/12韌體更新內容: 自定義白平衡:最多可設定三個自定義白平衡 區域選擇AF:用戶能選擇任意3x3對焦範圍自動對焦 提高穩定性 GR3街拍、日誌版和GR3X海神藍進行韌體更新後,原本特殊關機畫面仍保留 更新步驟: 1.請確認相機電量滿格 2.關機情況下按著menu後,再按電源開機 3.選擇升級更新時,請勿關機 4.升級完成後,關機取出記憶卡 5.開機確認韌體版本為1.91/ 1.41 Changes to V1.91/ 1.41 ‧Added "Custom 1," "Custom 2," and "Custom 3" as options for white balance sett ings. Combine the basic white balance settings with white balance fine-tuning to regis ter up to three custom white balance settings. ‧Added "Zone Select AF" as an option in the focus selection menu. Freely move the 3x3 focus area and automatically focus on the appropriate positi on within the area. V1.91: https://reurl.cc/Zen9V6 V1.41: https://reurl.cc/oRDrVg -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DSLR/M.1712939802.A.F92.html ※ 編輯: zengzhe ( 臺灣), 04/13/2024 00:45:14 ※ 編輯: zengzhe ( 臺灣), 04/13/2024 00:57:07
boris20050: 等這個對焦模式很久了 04/13 09:55
BIGP: 終於有這種對焦模式了 04/20 10:25