看板 LoL
SEPTEMBER 16TH We’ve found the source of a critical bug that would have fights ending in a draw despite a clear winner. To fix this bug we’ve had to temporarily disable two Charms, but we have a long-term solution for patch 14.19 next week that will have them returning. There’s a chance that this bug may still occur, but it should be exceptionally rare. DISABLED CHARMS Don’t worry, they’ll be back! Lightning Strike (Charm) has been disabled Meteor Swarm (Charm) has been disabled 找到會導致平手的護符了 暫時停用,14.19會重新上架。 這兩個: Lightning Strike (戰鬥開始時造成最大生命值10%真傷) Meteor Swarm (戰鬥開始時造成最大生命值30%魔法傷害) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1726538501.A.866.html ※ 編輯: Flammulina ( 臺灣), 09/17/2024 10:04:11
Sunpayus : 這bug超白癡 09/17 10:39
heyimjerry : 上次遇到可以開場直接飛到對位的護符 結果換位置 09/17 11:05
heyimjerry : 我的人口會爆掉 就再也不能移動了 什麼爛bug 09/17 11:05
sawalee0811 : 上次遇到 打贏了還被扣血 超白癡 還好是打一般 09/17 11:13
vvvv0o0vvvv : 這個超白癡== 09/17 14:45
Kroner : 5樓關節跟X一樣 09/17 14:45
jishyan26 : 超白癡 有一場黃金任務開獎轉完陣 在連勝 結果被平 09/17 16:07
jishyan26 : 手送走吃老八 09/17 16:07
unfire : 這個真的超幹 09/17 18:13
CloseFeather: 靠 原來我是被這個偷雞 09/18 14:17
Kroner: 有人知道UC2和其他關節保健品的差異嗎? 09/18 14:17