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Jon Heyman乳摸 https://reurl.cc/YqLj3x The Orioles, Red Sox and Blue Jays are all in on at least Fried. Boston is looki ng to upgrade its pitching and they don’t have a lefty, so Fried could make sen se. 金鶯、紅襪、藍鳥都全力要搶Max Fried(經紀公司CAA) The Yankees checked in on Anthony Santander as well as Pete Alonso, but they are believed to be strictly backup plans in case Soto bolts. Santander has interest from eight teams following his big season. 洋基也有去接觸Anthony Santander、Pete Alonso 但都是沒搶到Soto的備案 然後有八隊對Santander有興趣 Yusei Kikuchi is said to have a big market. The Astros might have trouble holdin g onto him. 菊池雄星的市場很強勁 太空人留下他的難度高 The Reds’ Nick Martinez is expected to accept the $21.05M qualifying offer. Boston’s Nick Pivetta is another who has a chance to accept. But he’s said to have a nice market — as do all the better starters Nick Martinez預期會接受紅人開給他的2105萬鎂合格報價 然後紅襪Nick Pivetta也有可能接受QO 但Pivetta據說市場也不錯 Dodgers GM Brandon Gomes said he plans to talk about an extension with manager D ave Roberts, in the last year of a four-year deal said to pay him $4M in 2025. R oberts has averaged 102 wins a year and remains underrated. 道奇總管Brandon Gomes表示他計畫和教頭Dave Roberts談延長合約 雙方四年約在明年到期,明年薪資為400萬 Noah Syndergaard is down to 235 pounds after losing 30 and is working his way to ward a comeback down here in Texas. 雷神瘦身235磅 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1730991024.A.FE8.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2024 22:54:52
saiulbb: 我怎麼覺得小熊會搶到他阿 11/07 23:01
aborwang: 今天市場熱鬧多了 11/07 23:05
aborwang: *年 11/07 23:05
MapleLeaf151: Heyman的乳摸看看就好 11/07 23:25
a0987761110: 今年市場深度很夠啊 11/07 23:52
Kroner: 我阿嬤說吃豬腳補關節,豬腳吃起來 11/08 02:18
a0987761110: 金鳥真的至少要抓一隻前段輪值 11/07 23:52
ashilol: 怎麼啥都有藍鳥 11/08 00:17
zehow: 紅襪要拼了嗎?不然才剛賣拍賣哥 又要買Fried ? 11/08 00:23
daniel0202: 拍賣哥如果知道今年那麼強 紅襪根本不可能賣 11/08 02:18
Chricey: UC2是天然成分嗎?還是有添加物啊? 11/08 06:58
johnnyvcxz40: 因為藍鳥跟巨人一樣 都有錢追不到 被拿來抬價 11/08 02:21
Sasa: 躲人沒興趣嗎? 11/08 03:34
eee60109: 雷神還在喔 11/08 06:44
oncee: 紅襪根本就在搞笑,既然都賣拍賣哥要重建就去重建,幹嘛每 11/08 06:58
Chricey: 看到關節痛,我就想起我姨媽 11/08 08:40
oncee: 年半調子的補強然後每年都淒慘兮兮 11/08 06:58
chunyu0519: 我襪都重建多久了,賣拍賣就是到期約的資產管理而已 11/08 08:14
chunyu0519: 農場也養起來了,新秀也有所起色了,是時候衝了吧 11/08 08:14
colalight: 金鶯幹嘛不全力留Burnes就好 11/08 08:40
Chricey: 不動對關節最好,拎北都躺著 11/08 09:10
n61208: 雷神還沒退休嗎??? 11/08 08:56
laking: 有時候只是先搶人啊,明年的自由球員又不一定有今年的質量 11/08 09:09
laking: 你看條子21年季末搶兩個游擊,隔年沒季後賽,沒想到23年就 11/08 09:10
laking: 冠軍了 11/08 09:10
Kroner: 我也有過關節痛的經驗,真的超痛苦的啦!推薦去看醫生,早點處理比較不會拖延變嚴重。 11/08 14:34
laking: 有時候只是為未來做佈局 11/08 09:10
mirrorlee: 紅襪今年沒到慘兮兮吧 11/08 09:30
windphilip: 紅襪快retool完了 搶Ace合理啦 11/08 11:23
ACUNAJR: 紅襪很有未來性吧 11/08 14:34
Chricey: UC2神招啊,吃下去就對了 11/08 14:34
onmyway: 藍鳥這麼有錢怎麼今年這麼爛 11/09 07:53